
Meeting with Mr Nundraj Goindo

This morning we had a meeting with Mr Nundraj Goindo, a Design and Technology Educator at Triolet Secondary School who represented Mauritius and brought honour to the country as one of the laureates and won the African Union Teacher Prize 2023

First draft of the Alternative Curriculum

Following Director SENA’s first draft of the Alternative Curriculum for severe and profound learners studying in our SEN schools , discussions began today at MIE and soon other brainstorming sessions – needs analysis will rope in school managers , teachers and other stakeholders in the sector.

Piloting of sports and Physical activities for SEN schools

Today we had a 1/2 day working session with representatives from the Mauritius Sports Council , rep of our parent Ministry & Representatives from the Mauritius Institute of Education to prepare the training, content for the piloting of sports and Physical activities in our public and private SEN schools in 2024

Prism programme

We met the 2 trainers from Reunion Island (Prism programme 2) who are in Mauritius to conduct training on inclusive education for teachers and trainers working in SEN and mainstream schools.

COL scholarships

We were pleased to welcome the Commissioner of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Prof R Mohee

Meeting Secondary Schools

We started meeting secondary schools today and we met Nelson college staff to discuss inclusive education and how to support learners with a disability, we had fruitful discussions and believe we can all work together to accommodate our SEN learners.

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