World Disability Day 2023

SENA organises round table discussion to take stock of achievements for year 2023

In the context of World Disability Day observed annually on 03 December, the Special Education Needs Authority (SENA) organised a round table discussion, this morning, at the Rajiv Science Centre in Bell Village, to take stock of the achievements for the year 2023 and to chart the way forward for future programmes and initiatives.

Panellists were given the opportunity to brainstorm and come up with an implementation plan and strategies to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education, as well as to promote lifelong learning among learners with disabilities.

In a statement, the Director of the SENA, Mr D. Authelsingh, indicated that the main aim is to raise awareness among stakeholders about the importance of removing barriers to allow special education needs (SEN) learners to join mainstream and inclusive education. The round table, he stated, provides an opportunity to discuss and reflect on the future as regards SEN and the Disability Bill. He added that SENA is giving a particular attention to Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Ensuring access for all to quality education.

Speaking on the achievements for year 2023, he mentioned that an individualised education plan was put in place, while carers and teachers were provided with necessary training. The SENA, he added, also worked with the Mauritius Sports Council and Active Mauritius to propose sports activities and summer camp for SEN children. He also spoke of the necessity to invest in infrastructure so as to respond to the needs of these children.

Mr Authelsingh informed that there are around 2,664 children in 78 SEN schools in Mauritius and Rodrigues. He moreover underlined that some 380 new admissions were received for year 2023 in SEN schools.

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