Prism programme

The collaboration between the Special Education Needs Authority and the Award Office-Mauritius started barely 6 months back but we are already onto so many things for The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Mauritius. This month began with a meeting at the Award Office-Mauritius and we close it today with the New Award Leaders Training (Cohort 2) for SENA by the Award Office-Mauritius.

With the blessings of the Director of the SEN Authority, the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme was launched in all SEN institutions of the Republic of Mauritius back in August 2023. This fruitful collaboration between the DofE Award Office-Mauritius and the SEN Authority blossomed with 40 Award Leaders being rewarded during the New Award Leaders Training (Cohort 1) for SENA held on 9th November 2023. This number has further increased with a cohort of 20 Award Leaders trained today at the recently inaugurated Helvetia Youth Hub.

Today’s training session also witnessed the presence of the Director of the SEN Authority and that of the President of the Award Alumni Shahfaraz Rughony

Stakeholders from the SEN sector are being empowered so as to be in a better position to embark learners with disabilities and special education needs onto the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Such an initiative falls under the mandate of the SEN Authority, which is “the harmonization and promotion of programmes …. for the education and holistic development of persons with special education needs in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.”

The implementation of such an international Award programme also aligns with our promotion of inclusive practices to facilitate inclusive learning environments for the SEN learners of the Republic of Mauritius.

Thank you to the Award Office-Mauritius and SENA

To the new Award Leaders: congratulations and may this set the ball rolling for DofE awardees within your respective institutions during this year

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