Inspectorate Division

The inspectorate division is usually responsible for ensuring compliance with standards, rules, and recommendations pertaining to the provision of services to learners with disabilities. The inspectorate division’s major purpose is to monitor and evaluate the quality, safety, and effectiveness of programs and services under the Special Education Needs Authority.

Some key roles and responsibilities of the inspectorate division are to:

  • Ensure that all SEN institutions adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and standards governing the provision of services to individuals with disabilities.
  • Conduct regular inspections to assess compliance with established guidelines.
  • Ensure that policies related to the care and support of individuals with disabilities are effectively implemented.
  • Establish procedures for reporting and investigating incidents within the SEN institutions.
  • Investigate complaints or incidents related to the well-being of individuals with disabilities.
  • Ensure that the rights of individuals with disabilities are protected and respected.
  • Recommend and implement changes based on inspection findings and feedback.
  • Ensure that all SEN institutions remain in compliance with legal requirements.
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