
Braille training and awareness

We have initiated for the first time Braille training and awareness of technology such as bookshare to support our leaners with Visual impairment /blind in Rodrigues.

School Visit

We do ensure we meet staff working in our schools to discuss remedial actions and ensure adapted strategies to improve school infrastructure. We want all our schools to be equipped with the right furniture and tools to foster lifelong and a good learning environment.

Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

The Special Education Needs Authority, in collaboration with two esteemed representatives from Canada - Dr. Carmen Hall and Dr. Kimberly Maich – is organizing a pivotal Webinar titled “Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).”

In-house session for staff

The 1st in-house session for staff of the SEN Authority was conducted today at the seat of the Authority by the Director himself.

Workshop led by Annabelle Godeau-Pernet for group 3 ongoing at the SENA

Annabelle est Diplômée en sciences du langage, mention français langue étrangère, en psychologie positive, en ingénierie des formations en ligne et à distance, elle exerce depuis une vingtaine d’années différentes fonctions en France et à l’étranger pour le développement de projets de coopération éducative à l’international.

Group 2 workshop at SENA

La co-éducation au service de la réussite et du bien-être des élèves à besoins particuliers.
Développer et renforcer des pratiques au sein des établissements pour mieux comprendre les rôles de chacun et leurs complémentarités.

Admission 2025

Admission started today at the level of SENA and would be ongoing for the next 2 days for 2025.

VIVO Energy Ltd

In its endeavour to provide persons with disabilities (PwDs) with the right to fulfill their potential, VIVO Energy Ltd would like to bring meaningful changes to the lives of these persons.

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