
Remittance of a Braille note

Remittance of a Braille note to our learner in Rodrigues today , The SEN Authority would carry out training tomorrow through our Resource person Aarti Burthony André as well as conduct a site visit at la ferme to set up our new SENRDC Rodrigues , A validation workshop would also be conducted on Friday with all the 5 SEN schools and other school leaders and stakeholders.

Wheelchairs Sponsored

This morning our club sponsored 2 wheelchairs through the Special Education Needs Authority at Ollier SEN integrated unit. We are here to support our schools as far as possible, we thank PP Ashok Tulsidas for making provision of the wheel chairs!

Une francophonie inclusive et mobilisée

Appui pour une francophonie inclusive et mobilisee à Maurice UN PROJET initié par La MIE, la SENA et le bureau d’études Francophones de MIE , en pilotage avec le soutien de fonds de solidarité pour les projects innovants (FSPI) du ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères

Workshop for local stakeholders

We had the visit of Dr Natalia Amelina who is the Senior National project officer in Education and chief unit Teacher professional Development and Networking UNESCO institute for information Technologies in Education (IITE)

Micro- credentials through the HEC

Today we are proud to be among the first institution in Mauritius which informally started working on Micro- credentials through the HEC( Micro credentials is now formal with the certificate on inclusive and special education which will start soon with UTM )

Purple fest

Representatives from SENA Mrs S Oogarah & Mr A Jookhun are presently the special guests at the purple fest.

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