Training sessions for SENA staff

Whenever we see someone injured and in need of immediate medical help and attention, our first response is to offer adequate help. This is what we call FIRST AID.

First Aid is what we term as immediate medical assistance offered to any ill or injured person, irrespective of the severity of the illness, to save a person’s life till medical help or ambulance arrives. This is critical to prevent the situation from getting worse and to assist the injured person in recovering quickly.

First Aid is a broad category that includes a range of activities and interventions ranging from simple dressing to treatment of minor conditions and even Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). First aid doesn’t always require an expert or trained person or specific equipment and materials. It can even be performed by someone aware of the surroundings without any specific equipment while improvising on the existing resources available.

Benefits of First Aid

  • First Aid Can Save a Person’s Life
  • First Aid Relieves Pain
  • First Aid Prevents Infection & Its Chances
  • First Aid Keeps Children Safe
  • First aid helps communicate better with Medical Professionals
  • First Aid Reduces Recovery Time
  • First Aid Saves from Mounting Healthcare Costs

Thank you to Mr Soobiraj Gungabissoon for having trained our staff on First Aid during two days. More to come next week with the training sessions for staff of SEN institutions registered with the SEN Authority.

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