Code of Conduct for SEN Teachers/Teacher Assistants/Educators

Part One : Teaching & Professional Responsibilities

SEN Teachers/Teacher Assistants/Educators (T/T.A/E) must make the education of the SEN Learners a high ranking priority and are expected to continuously strive to attain the highest possible standards in both work and behaviour.  SEN T/T.A/E must use their best endeavours and skills to ensure that the methodology of teaching and the environment are both adapted and adequate to bring out the best of each SEN Learner whilst fostering core values which are the central planks for an inclusive education.

    1. Demonstrate an excellent content knowledge

    • have a very good knowledge of the relevant content and curriculum areas to impart knowledge;
    • clarify misunderstandings as and when they arise in a way which the SEN Learner can understand;
    • kindle the SEN Learners’ interest for learning and encourage creative and critical thinking through effective use of appropriate teaching, interactive, pedagogical tools, and strategies.

    2. Create a safe environment conducive to learning

    • set realistic expectations which motivate SEN Learner by helping develop a natural inclination for learning taking into account all backgrounds and abilities;
    • display mutual respect, positive attitude, impartiality, fairness and tolerance towards each SEN Learner;
    • maintain a safe and stimulating learning environment conducive for optimum learning and progress.

    3. Adapt teaching to aptly respond to the needs of all SEN Learners

    • make judicious use of the most effective approach and strategy from a wide spectrum of tools and techniques which will best tend towards optimization of learning having regard to the specific disability of the SEN Learner;
    • have a fair appreciation of how a range of factors can potentially inhibit SEN Learners’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these to achieve positive outcome;
    • demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social, and intellectual development of the SEN Learner, and able to constantly adapt teaching to support and enhance SEN Learners’ education at various stages of development.

    4. Fulfil cognate professional responsibilities

    • develop courteous professional relationships with colleagues;
    • take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, self-learning and attending seminars and workshops as and when organised;
    • communicate effectively and regularly with parents about SEN Learners’ achievements, shortcomings and well-being and also be accountable for the SEN Learners’ progress and outcome.

    Part Two: Ethical Conduct & Compliance with The Law

    SEN T/T.A/E are expected to demonstrate very high standards of personal and professional conduct. They should refrain from engaging in any act which may bring disrepute to their noble calling. They are required to maintain a professional and ethical behaviour and attitude. They are also expected to provide support to the SEN Authority whenever called upon to do so and to comply with all the relevant laws in force.

    1. Adhere to professional ethics, behaviour, and attitude

    • upholding fundamental values including mutual respect, human dignity, fairness, justice, equality, tolerance, inclusion and honesty;
    • be regular, punctual, thoroughly disciplined and closely adhering to set plans and programmes;
    • behave with probity and not indulge in any activity or hold oneself out in such a manner which may taint the image, repute or character of the SEN T/T.A/E.

    2. Comply with the relevant laws and collaborate with the Authority

    • strictly adhere to all laws, rules and regulations in force related to the education of students with special needs, particularly the policies, norms, standards and directives set by the SEN Authority;
    • collaborate fully with the SEN Authority and providing support to further the overriding interests and welfare of the SEN Learners;
    • report and assist the SEN Authority in identifying, detecting and remedying any breach of the relevant law.

    This code of conduct is made by virtue of s5(c) and s6(1) of The Special Education Needs Authority Act 2018 and applies to  SEN Teachers/Teacher Assistants/Educators working in SEN Schools, SENRDC & Integrated Units. Adherence to the code of code of conduct is regarded as essential and non-compliance shall lead to disciplinary action to be initiated.

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